Part of the Family

Miss N Massey

Welcome from the Headteacher Trust in a team of seasoned teaching professionals

It is my privilege to welcome you to Stamford Bridge Primary – a popular school, held in high regard by the community it serves. The school offers high quality teaching and excellent pastoral care.  We attract families from Stamford Bridge and neighbouring villages.

This is reflected in our school motto:

Nurturing a love of learning through excellence, inspiration and wonder.

Our dedicated and hard-working staff team are committed to ensuring our children do well in all that they do. Our expectations are high and achievement and successes of all kinds are expected and celebrated. We try to make learning creative, stimulating, inclusive and fun with plenty of challenge and collaboration. Our children leave Stamford Bridge with the skills and tools they need to become lifelong learners who are responsible, respectful and exemplary members of the community.

As a head teacher, I have over twenty years experience in education across the cities of Manchester, London and York and I have held headships in schools in Hackney and York. I hold a strong belief that children only get one chance at their education, and it is our duty to make it the best it can be. I am highly dedicated to excellence in all areas of school life. The needs of the children are always paramount in the life and decision-making within a school. I strongly believe in providing children with exciting, creative and meaningful learning experiences, which build their enthusiasm for learning and help them to grow and develop positively in a variety of ways to enable them to be ready for their next stage in their learning journey. The school  and values of ‘believe, engage, succeed, together’ should underpin this work.

This website aims to give you an overview of the school, as well as providing regular updates and information for both existing and prospective parents.  We hope that you enjoy visiting  it.

If you would like further information or would like to come and visit us, please contact the school office on 01759 371430 or email ​