Part of the Family

Promoting a healthy lifestyle

Promoting a healthy lifestyle
PE & Sports Premium

“Physically educated persons are those who have learned to arrange their lives in such a way that the habitual physical activities they freely engage in make a distinctive contribution to their wider flourishing.”

– James MacAllister


PE at Stamford Bridge aims to develop a fun, high-quality curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and grow their abilities in physically demanding activities, competitive sports and helping them to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. We will provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way that supports their current and future health and fitness. Our children will have opportunities to compete in sports and other activities that build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. PE at Stamford Bridge is an imperative element of our curriculum, which develops a need for healthy lifestyles, a balanced diet, a growth mindset, and the resilience to persevere with activities that may have felt too challenging at times. We are passionate about teaching children how to cooperate and collaborate with others and develop a life-long love of sport and physical activity.


At Stamford Bridge, our PE curriculum is varied and long-term plans ensure that we meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. We have recently adopted the use of PE Scholar to further support the delivery of at least two hours of high-quality PE a week. PE Scholar is used to aid teaching staff in their subject knowledge and planning of PE. The scheme provides a strong basis of what is expected in each year group, however, teachers will adjust and change the lessons to suit the needs of their classes.

Our PE curriculum is sequenced precisely to ensure progression of knowledge and skills throughout a child’s primary education, thus enabling pupils to build upon prior experiences and apply these fluently and with confidence. We place a premium on after school enrichment clubs that provide pupils with the chance to take part in a wide variety of weekly sports and activities. Every term, a range of extra-curricular clubs are on offer for pupils to sign up to.

We are passionate about pupils leading an active lifestyle and developing a love of sport. To facilitate this, and encourage all pupils to be active for at least 60-minutes per day, we design playtimes to be fun and engaging. We achieve this through ensuring our playgrounds are fully equipped with balls, hula-hoops, skipping ropes and other equipment; in addition, the pupils have access to the field and adventure playgrounds. We have four adventure playgrounds that are specifically designed to provide opportunities for pupils to develop and improve fundamental skills using various body parts. Furthermore, throughout the afternoon, each class takes part in the Daily Mile, which is completed on our specifically built track on the Upper Site. Pupils are tasked with completing as many laps as they can during the 15-minutes, with eight laps equalling a mile.

At Stamford Bridge, we ensure that our pupils develop into confident swimmers. We enable this by making sure that all pupils have access to at least 10-week swimming sessions throughout their time at Stamford Bridge.

Pupils are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the local area. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the pupils.


Our pupils leave our school with a love for sport and being active. Our pupils are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in sport and physical activity throughout their lives. Pupils know the local sport clubs that are available to them and how they can get involved with these.

Teachers have the knowledge and understanding of how to deliver a range of sports and activities that are well sequenced to provide challenge to all pupils. Lessons and breaktimes are well-equipped and pupils know how to use the equipment safely.

Pupils are given the opportunity to take part in intra and inter school sport events. Pupils are frequently taking part in taster sessions led by local sport clubs which they can then sign up to.